A Plain Session | Montana Anniversary Photography

Ok, so let's get something clear here. A plain session ha! I mean up in the plains of Montana session not a plain boring session. Now that we have that cleared up, because this Montana anniversary photography session was anything but plain.

I grew up in Northern Montana on the plains and there is just something about going back up that clears my mind and refreshes me. Seeing the crops blowing in the wind with mountains far off in the distance takes me back to being a kid and all the adventures that happened.

Montana Anniversary Photography

These two have been dear friends of mine for years and I was beyond excited for their five year Montana anniversary photography session. I've been friends with Scott longer than I've known my husband. I was honestly a little nervous to introduce the two of them. I so badly wanted them to become good friends and I'm thankful that is what ended up happening. The same goes for Scott when he introduced us to Sarah.

We couldn't be more happy to call these guys friends. Oh wait, we are. We call them family. They live and work on the farm, so what better place than their own back yard for a session. We literally ran behind there house for some killer lighting and then hoped in the truck to find a pond around sunset. It was the perfect location and the perfect evening. Enough about me rambling on about them, let's hear from Sarah.

Scott & Sarah by Sarah

The first time I remember being in the same room with Scott, I was a freshman at Shelby High School and he had just graduated. I walked up the stairs in my friends house and he and his friends were on the couch watching a scary movie. We hung out a few times after that, I liked him, but I was a goofy high school girl who didn’t know how to dress to save my life, and then I moved back to Montreal, QC at the end of sophomore year. He wasn’t interested.

Fast forward 5 years, I had just started a graphic design internship in Philadelphia and he was working on his family farm in Shelby when I came back to Shelby to be in my friend’s wedding. We hung out while I was there and after all our other friends fell asleep watching a movie, we started talking, and he immediately started talking about how he wanted to be married and have kids one day. I don’t even remember what he was saying.

He asked me out the night I flew back home...

All I remember is that was the first time I felt the Lord leading me into a relationship with Scott. I didn’t hear an audible voice or anything. I just felt a peace and certainty that I had never felt before. The day of my friend’s wedding, Scott had an argument with God. He liked me, but he thought I was too young and immature and he didn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who wouldn’t eventually be his wife. Long story short, he asked me out the night I flew back home. God was working in both of our hearts and thus commenced a 2 year long distance relationship.

It was so hard. We almost called it quits when we both started to doubt if all the frustration and tears were worth it. But God. He was the center of our lives, and we both felt that his plan was for us to be together. So we worked it out, forgave, surrendered and submitted. We got married. And then God showed up for us and made all the frustrations of our long distance relationship melt away. Now 2 kids later, we can’t believe we ever even thought about breaking up. The last 5 years have been amazing. I know if we continue to rely on the Lord the next 55 will be amazing as well.

Let's do this! Book Me!


Sunrise Hike | Bozeman Anniversary Photography


Horsethief Butte | Washington Anniversary Session