Bozeman Couples Photographer | Kirk Hill

Bozeman Couples Photographer

Being a Bozeman couples photographer means that I get to go back to the town I love. I get to continue to photograph my friends. I am not at all disappointed by this. In fact, I'd love to make it back to shoot more of the humans I love and to meet new ones. If anyone wants to buy me a plane ticket, I'm just one flight away for a session. Hit me up here and let's get a winter snow session or spring session planned! What are you waiting for?Coming back to Montana to photograph moments of my clients lives and to be a part of another big life change, is what I live for as a photographer. I really don't need to say much about these two, because their words say it all. I don't tend to edit much of these except for maybe a few typos here and there. Keeping them the way they have written them helps you connect with them even more because everyone has their own writing style. Writing styles gives you a glimpse into someone else's personality. Looking at pictures of strangers doesn't real give you a connection to them. Hearing their story straight from them does. Enjoy!

Their Story by Thomas & Karisse

Our story isn’t one that replicates a fairy tale, at least not at first. Initially neither of us were interested in the other. I saw him as being a bit boring, and he really not looking for a relationship. The neat result of this, is that a true friendship paired with our shared faith began the foundation for our relationship. We dated a year, conquering mountain peaks on foot and growing through the distance of living on separate continents for months. Throughout this time, I began to see Thomas’ heart for the Lord, his dedication to those he loves, and his desire to make a positive impact on the world.

Weeks before I returned to the States, I had determined that we would be getting married and therefore had a wedding dress made. A year of engagement, beautiful wedding, and three honeymoon years later, I love the fairy tale we live together. The ups and downs are always traveled together, our dreams are always seeking to support each other, and more than anything our love continues to grow. This next year will hold more changes than we can possibly fathom. Above all, I’m grateful for a husband who loves me, Christ for showing us how to love unconditionally, and the blessing of a little baby that will be joining us in 2019.



Addition from Thomas: Ditto, but switch the pronouns.

Real addition from Thomas:

The proposal: We got up way too early, hiked way too fast, it was way too cold and rainy. I was terrified the entire hike up Storm Castle. I tried to wait until the sunrise, but it was too cloudy to see. Since Karisse was miserable (and really wanted breakfast), I decided to go ahead and ask. I wasn’t going to wait another day.

I walked her to the highest point and asked if she wanted a granola bar (she promptly said no). But I had to get to my backpack somehow so I pretended I wanted one. Instead, I pulled out the ring, turned around and got down on one knee. When I asked her if she would marry me, she answered “Yep.” Our friends attempted to photograph the proposal, but it was too dark. On the way down Karisse bounced down the trail and toward breakfast (which would later become one of our go-to dates).

I love serving Bozeman as a Bozeman couples photographer. Anyone up for a session in the mountains in the snow? Let's take out some snowshoes, cross country skis or just go kick up some of that white stuff! I'm ready.


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