Content Photos | A Photographer’s Self Portraits

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I find myself wanting new pictures of myself all the time. Yup, I’m officially that person thinking of content photos for Instagram. But…I usually have no one around me to help me out. I’m all for pictures of myself even if I’ve been camping for days and haven’t showered. I just don’t care. It’s me. It’s real life. During that type of thing, I usually have someone around that can at least hold a camera for me and I can tell them what I want. When I’m home during the day and inspiration hits, I only have my kids. My one and a half year old can’t hold the camera and my five year old tends to cut out my head or arm in an awkward way. Working on it… Instead I grab a tripod or prop my camera somewhere and just go for it by myself.

This is something that has been frustrating for me in the past and I knew that I needed to overcome it one day. I honestly think that it helps me become a better photographer. I have to think things through in a different way then when I’m solely behind the camera. But taking them yourself puts an entirely new perspective on it all. I have to be both the subject and the photographer. Well, I’ve worked through it. I’ve grown. I’m having fun with it.

Whatever it is that you are struggling with and wanting to get better at, just start. Don’t wait. You don’t need to. Stop listening to yourself or others tell you that you can’t. You have a purpose in this life. It’s not necessarily just going to fall into your arms. You need to work at it. The results from pursuing it and working your butt off will be bigger than you could have ever imagined.

This is just one thing I’ve learned from taking my self portraits. Overcoming and obstacle to make myself better at what I do. Taking the gift I was given and pursuing it even when I don’t have anyone else around to help or I am in between clients. It’s worth it friends. You are worth it.


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