Print Your Pictures | Couples Travel Photographer


We spend time and money to get our photos taken, yet they just sit there. We look at them every once in a while on the computer, post one on social media every now and then, yet they never make it to print form. So many of our favorite memories that we've documented just slowly disappear from our memories. What if the ones we felt most connected to, the ones that have brought us the most joy, the ones that we spent money on, what if we printed those? What if we made the memory last a little longer? As a couples travel photographer, this is important to me. It's also my love of photos in general that makes this something that I wish everyone would do.

A couples travel photographer who rambles

Ok. Now that I've started my post off with rambling, I want to get more to my point. And to do that, I have to be honest with you. I am the most guilty one and the reason this post is happening is because of my own change in heart. Especially as a couples travel photographer, I have taken so many pictures that I just love and adore. I've also had so many pictures taken, because I love documenting my life, but let's face it is is hard to get yourself in one. These images have sat on my computer for years and I literally forget about them. When I've cared just a little more, I've blogged the images on my personal blog or I've posted them on Instagram. But the memories still seem to disappear. Those posts get pushed to the bottom to never be seen again.Is this why we took the pictures or paid for them to be taken? For them to get lost in this digital world? No. We wanted the memories to last. Now, I'm not saying that you need to print all of your pictures. That would be crazy and outlandish. When you do something that stands out from the rest of your normal days or you pay to get some pictures taken, pick your favorite images. Print those! Maybe even change the images in your house every couple years or move them to different parts of the house. Get a photo album printed or go old school and print a bunch of 4x6 prints and put them in a physical photo album. Come up with something that defines you and your style. Just print those images!

Are you ready?


Have I motivated you enough? I sure hope so, because looking at the pictures that I have on my walls brightens my day. Especially since I work from home and don't get to be with the hubby 24/7. Which I would absolutely love, but that isn't reality.Now if you've been a client of mine, you can easily print photos from your gallery! No uploading or finding the right website. I've printed pictures at so many different locations over the years. Just find the one that you like. Find the one that prints the pictures to your satisfaction. Just get it done! Now get out there and order those canvases or prints!

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