Community Over Competition | Time with Another Photographer

I really love getting to know other creatives. He helps to inspire me as well as gives connections in the community. Getting together with other photographers is also a love of mine. To be able to talk about all the photography things to someone else that knows, is priceless. The whole community over competition thing is real.

Community Over Competition

I am not going to be everyone's ideal photographer. We all have different styles and different ways to go about things. That is what sets us apart from each other. I want to get to know the photographers in my area, so that I can recommend them to a client that might not be my ideal fit. I won't work for everyone and neither will they. I also won't always be available for clients.I believe in community over competition. It gives you a group of people to bounce ideas off with, talk to when you are struggling with your specific business, or to hang out with and do the thing you love together. This are all reasons why it is important to push that competition thing aside and go meet the others in your community.

Family Time

I was able to hang out with another photographer Kathy in the area recently. We spent time taking some pictures of each other's families and getting to know each other more. We both have different styles and ways to go about sessions. It was fun to see her in her element. To watch her doing what she loves to do. She has a smile and a laugh that is contagious. Who wouldn't want to get their pictures taken with her? She was a joy to be around.Let's start supporting the other's in our industry. Maybe that means reposting their stuff on Instagram stories with a shout out. Maybe that means actually booking them for something or just coming alongside them and being friends. Community is more important than competition. I know I keep saying this. It is true and I have to share what I believe in. I've also shared my time with another photographer in the area. Check it out here.


Friendsgiving | Community Connection | Oregon Photographer


Prompts vs Posing | Couples Photographer