Prompts vs Posing | Couples Photographer


To be honest with all of you, I've never really been good at the whole posing thing. Having people do poses that don't seem natural or normal doesn't come easy to me. Put your hand here and stand like this, etc. The other thing is that doing more posed positions doesn't give a photo or couple a natural or authentic reaction. It all can seem fake. As a couples photographer, I'm into adventure and things being authentic and real. I love getting a couple to play together, laugh and smile all because they are having fun and not because I asked them to do so. I'm all about our time together being real, authentic and natural. Let's dig into prompts vs posing to get you more pure and organic reactions in your photos.

Prompts vs Posing

I'm going to give you five ideas on how to create better photos with prompts vs posing. You will give your couples a direction to go which will include moving rather than just standing still. Now, sometimes standing still is good. You want to have those moments where your couple is looking into each others eyes. Having your couples do a prompt will create the down moments of them standing still. These standing still moments will now become real and authentic rather than forced and uncomfortable. This happens every time I give my couples a few prompts in a row. They always find that down moment.

  1. A piggy back ride. That's right. I know most people already do this, but I want to challenge you to get more movement. Have her try and swing from side to side while she is on his back. Make him do the same thing. Have him spin around instead of standing still. There are endless options. Just get more movement. I like to start with this one, because it seems a little more normal and gets the energy flowing.

  2. Have him looking at the camera and her several feet behind him. Ask her to run up and jump on him and then try to tackle him to the ground. This works best if you tell her in secret and don't let him hear. After they are on the ground, have them roll around for a while. It makes them feel like kids again.

  3. Give your couple and outlined area to try and stay in and around. Next have them walk around pretending to be tipsy and to flirt with each other. You can get some pretty good laughs out of this one.

  4. Have them do a simple walk towards you or away from you, but give them a question to think about. An example would be, think of your favorite date together or think of the one thing you love the most about each other. Give them a stopping spot and when they get there, have them tell each other. I love the real smiles that you get out of this. Feel free to do this throughout the session and mix it up. Give them a funny question to think about and not all serious ones.

  5. A last prompt vs posing idea for you would be to play tug a war with each other. You can do this so many different ways. Have her in front with him behind. They can be sitting down, walking next to each other or running around. Just get the movement flowing.

I hope that these help you start to think of ways to get your couples moving and being more natural and playful together. Just get out there and start shooting.

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