First Look | Should you have one?

There are benefits to both having a first look and not having one. While I'm partial to having a first look, I'll lay out a few reasons for both sides of the spectrum. Ultimately in the the end, you need to pick what is best for the two of you. Are you more traditional? Or are you more the kind of people that want to throw tradition out the window and have your day be your day? Neither is wrong. Just be you. Pick what is right for you.

First Look - Heck Yes!

  1. Intimacy - Having a first look gives you one on one time prior to being in front of everyone. By doing this, you get to have an intimate moment together before you invite the rest of the world in on your day. After your ceremony starts, it can be hard to sneak away for those moments together. Take this as a time to write each other a little love note and read it out loud. The moment is yours. If you are doing traditional vows, this is the perfect alternative to share your own words with each other.

  2. Bye Bye Jitters - Doing a first look helps you get out any of those pre-wedding jitters or tears. It's hard to not want to cry when you see the person you are going to marry dressed up and looking HOT!! This moment is priceless and if you give yourselves more time to enjoy it, you'll be more likely to remember it forever. The feelings won't disappear over the day, they will just intensify.

  3. More Pictures - After the ceremony, guests tend to start getting anxious. You can alleviate some of this by doing the majority of your bridal pictures beforehand if you've already done your first look. After the ceremony, you would only need to capture your family portraits and of course snag some more with that even more captivating glow. Overall, you can allocate more time and get all the pictures you want without making guests anxious.


First Look - Nah!

  1. Tradition! - This is huge for some people. Traditional wedding ceremonies are wonderful. It is a big part of people's lives and sticking to it gives so much meaning to a ceremony. Families tend to like tradition more and not sticking to it can be hard on some of them.

  2. Including Your Guests - One of my favorite things about weddings is seeing the grooms face the first time when he sees his bride coming down the aisle. It really doesn't get much better than this. Being able to share this moment with your closest friends and family is what it's all about. Some couples find this moment to be more special having with others around than alone.

  3. Timing - Depending on when your wedding is starting, how long you have your venue and all the details you have lined up, you might not have time for a first look. Don't add a first look to your day if it is going to add more stress to you and fitting it in your timeline. If you feel like you are missing out on getting more pictures, schedule a bridal session with your photographer. With this, you can go anywhere you want for your bridal pictures and not have guests waiting.

Just Be You

Again, you need to pick what is right for you as a couple. Don't let my opinions sway you one way other the other. Do what is you. Make your entire day about you and bring your friends and family along for the ride. If you want a small ceremony, do small! If you want a huge party, go all out and party! From all the small details to the big details, just be you. Throw tradition to the wind or keep it. There is fun to be had and you can find that intimacy anyway you go about your day.


Are you ready to decide? Well..maybe you are still thinking about what you want, but you know that I’m your gal for your intimate wedding day! So head on over to my contact page and book me!


Whitefish Montana Couples Photography | Leon + Elisha


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