Whitefish Montana Couples Photography | Leon + Elisha

Whitefish, Montana Couples Photography

I could talk all day long about how cute these two were and what our session was like at Whitefish Lake. It was a chilly and yet perfect Whitefish, Montana couples photography session. The cool winter colors were on point for this candid session. Their outfit choices were even better. Then the two of them just blew it out of the water.

Instead of me rambling on about their session, there engagement story is much better than anything I could ever say.

So...I'll let Elisha share it with you.

Their Engagement Story

Initially in our dating I told him I wanted to wait a year before being engaged. I didn’t mind waiting later, but he couldn’t propose any earlier than 12 months after. There were about a hundred times that I regretted that request, but I always appreciated that he was willing to respect it. (He would have proposed much sooner had I not said anything).

I pretty much knew he wouldn't wait any later than November 10th. He was asking me about places I’d want to go to dinner that night, or any things I’d want to do on that day. I was pretty confident he was set. 

The weekend before November 10th, we ended up needing to travel to Portland for a church trip. Some of our coworkers (who also are some of our closest friends) ended up coming as well. Our Saturday there was pretty free, so we ended up going to Powell’s Books. As we all walked there I said to my friend Katelyn,

“This is literally one of my top five favorite places in the world.”

Powell's Book Store

As we entered, Leon went to help our friend Dillon track down a book. I went off with Katelyn and Amanda searching for our own books. It dawned on me, they HAD to go see the rare book room. I had already told Leon I’d wait for him to go in it, but Katelyn and Amanda HAD TO GO, and they HAD TO GO RIGHT NO. So I made a B-line to the rare book room, while Katelyn and Amanda tried to pull me back and show they had less interest.

When I arrived upstairs, Leon and Dillon were at the counter to get in the room. Leon said they wanted to try and get information about the book they were looking for, but weren’t finding any luck. Naturally, I was confident that I had to be more competent than them at tracking down this book. Dillon sprawled off some vague, general topics about some random book he’d always wanted and within two minutes I had found it. Leon asked if I wanted to hit up the rare book room with him, and after the rush of finding that book, I sighed a sigh of relief and headed with him to the rare book. 

The Rare Book Room

We grabbed some passes and entered the room. A couple weeks prior, Leon had mentioned that he read online Powells had just acquired an early edition of Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (one of my all time favorite books, and one we’d talked at length about). As I recalled the conversation, I told Leon, “OH! They have that early edition of Les Mis! We should find it!” So we walked around and he suggested asking the lady working in the room. She agreed they had it and went back into a closet, pulled it out, and handed it to me. 

“That’s weird, there’s a coffee stain on the cover… and it’s…. abridged…,” I said. I opened the cover and there was a diamond ring sitting in the center. Abruptly, I closed the book feeling that I had surely been given something that was intended for someone else. But as I looked up, Leon was on one knee proposing. Shocked, and maybe a little bit in denial, I just kept saying, “nooooo…. no… no…” but in the way that’s really “yes!”

Once I finished saying no, and gave him a second to speak. He told me there were many rare and valuable treasures in that room, but none compared to me, and he asked me to marry him.

So that’s the story. He proposed one week early, making the plans to do so months in advance… and I had no idea, and it was amazing and perfect, and in hindsight I really should have caught on. 

Ok friends. I want to make this magic for you too! Let's get planning your epic Whitefish Montana couples photography session, Glacier National Park elopement or perhaps your Helena, Montana session. Whatever it is and wherever it is, let's do this.

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