The Big Move | Helena Montana

We recently moved to Helena, Montana. I have been a little MIA from posting and to be honest, doing anything with my website over the last several months. There are a backlog of posts and yet, I haven't come up with the time to write. I don't know how many of you actually read these, but I like to think that there is someone out there who cares about the who behind the camera. Most of my posts tend to be focused on my recent adventures with my clients. Which, I love to share and will probably never stop sharing.

Now, moving to Helena, Montana hasn't been the only thing keeping me from my website. I have shared on Instagram and on my personal blog that I am pregnant. Now I am just a month away from having a newborn in the house again. I've very excited about this and cannot wait! I was not feeling the best in the beginning, so I let a few things slip from my normal workflow for my business. A big one was my website.

Then, we started to finished our house remodel. Luckily, my energy levels picked up and the morning sickness subsided. However, since we were in full on task mode, I still never got back to some aspects of my business. My husband had gutted our basement and then started pursuing a new job all in the same weekend. We had no idea what was coming ahead. All we knew was that if this job was going to happen, the house needed to get finished in a 6-8 week span of time. Did I mention that he had gutted the basement?

Helena, Montana - Exploring new locations

Well, he got the job. Finished our remodel. Sold our house. And moved to Helena, Montana. All in less than two months. It took me straight into my third semester with only 8 weeks to go when we arrived at our new town. I was able to continue to do the thing I loved in the background, but never got around to sharing it with you all.

We are very excited to be back in Montana and I'm excited to explore a new city. I have mostly just spent my time passing through Helena, Montana in between adventures, but am now looking forward to exploring the area. We've spent time on the lake sailing and enjoying a little bit of lake life. Although, I didn't do anything but dip my feet in the water. I grew up spending my summers on the lake and I can't wait to make that a more common summer outing for my little family. We've also done a little exploring for places to hike and enjoy the mountains. While doing so, I'm always looking for some great locations for my clients. Let's just say I am so excited to get out there with some new clients and explore more of this state that I love.

With all that said, we've been busy doing real life. But I can't wait to start getting things established in a new state for my business. While I wait for baby to come, I'm digging back in and getting things rolling for after he is here. So, stay tuned or lets plan a fall or winter session near Helena, Montana. Also, you know I'm always down for traveling, but I'll be putting anything outside of Montana on hold for a few months. Have an epic place in mind? Don't let this stop you from contacting me. I traveled with my first kiddo a lot and I might just have a little baby in tow for our time together. Contact me today for us to start planning your epic photography adventure.

I'll leave you with an updated family picture in a location I can't wait to take a couple.

Maternity Baby #2-67.jpg

Beachy Anniversary Session | Kauai Photographer


First Anniversary Session | Snowy Love