How to be productive working from home | Montana Elopement Photographer

Working from home sounds like this amazing thing that so many people strive or long for, but it isn't easy my friends. There are so many distractions that get in the way. Things like the pile of dishes stacking up, your desire to sit down and binge that tv show everyone is talking about and the list goes on. We all have our things that we do when we are home and working from home brings those distractions in and closer. That is why I created this guide to help you with the things that I've learned on how to be productive working from home. I hope you find that these help you as well.


How to be productive working from home

  1. The biggest thing I've learned is that you need to create a separate space to work from. Think about it. If you go to the office, you have your work space. Think of it in those terms. You need to create a space that you can be productive in. For me, that is a desk looking away from the chaos of the house. A clean space. Because I need it in order to work. I can't work in chaos. I just can't.

  2. Batch work everything! By this I mean sit down and do one specific tasks. Spend one day working on your website. On another day, schedule out all your Facebook or Pinterest posts. Sometimes it may mean scheduling out a week to spend blogging or getting content ready. When you can be in the mode, you just start busting it out. It truly works friends.

  3. Set your phone aside! Don't check it. Just leave it off to the side. Turn off the notifications or your phone off entirely. It is the biggest distraction we have these days.

  4. Don't check your email all day long. This is something I learned at a desk job. Schedule out 2-3 times to check your email for a day. Focusing on it exclusively for periods of time will help you not get lost in it throughout the day.

  5. Turn off the TV friends. Don't sit down and just start binging something while working. You'll get too distracted and not get enough work done. Save it for another time. Just save it for when you need to not think.

Ok. I seriously hope that you are encouraged and have a little more motivation to get it done at home. Do you have any more tips? Then please let me know because I can use all the tips still too!

Wanting more? I'd love to connect with you! Hit me up over on the gram (because I love that place for connection!!!) or through my contact page.


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