Elkhorn Mountains Sunset Session | Helena Montana Mountain Adventure Session Photographer

Elkhorn Mountains

When I first started talking with Grace, I knew that our time together was going to be wonderful. You know when you can tell through just the words in an email? Yes. That was exactly it. She had the perfect location picked out in the Elkhorn Mountains near Helena. When we got there, it didn't disappoint at all. And we all really needed to get out and have a social distancing session away from everyone. It was perfect.

Now enough of me rambling on, here is a little bit about these two.

Jonathan + Grace

Jonathan and I met in Missoula in the fall of 2014, at a church conference. A mutual friend introduced us. Around Thanksgiving that year, we stared long distance dating; he is from Helena, and I was living near Billings. Our first date was skiing at Red Lodge Mountain! It was a fun, memorable (and a slightly awkward) experience. We are both good skiers, so that was a good thing.

He knew I was “the one” after we had been dating for 3 months. He patiently dated me for just over a year. Honestly, he put up with a lot, till I came round. We were engaged for almost 5 months, and married in May 2016! We are both so, so happy - going on 4 years! 

The Proposal

Jonny’s proposal to me was a total shock. But I’m so thankful I said yes! It was 2015, Christmas day (night) and we were at my parent’s house, as he had driven down to visit. (His family celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve.) He got to experience my family’s Christmas celebration and dinner. It was getting late, and everyone had gone to bed. We were sitting and talking on the couch, and then, suddenly, he was kneeling on the floor holding out a ring! Very sweet, unexpected and romantic— not what I was expecting!

In our spare time, we love hiking, backpacking, and camping year round, and are avid downhill skiers. We love spending time reading together, watching movies, Mexican food, and spending time with our family. Usually when I work on my art and notecards in the evenings, Jonathan reads out loud to me. We love historical fiction.

-- Interjecting here because isn't that the most adorable thing ever?? --

Jonathan is an introvert, very witty, and can seem very quiet until you get to know him. He puts up with my selfie shenanigans. I am an extrovert, and am generally more excitable and outgoing. We are both adventurous, and love exploring the beautiful mountains of Montana. 

Now, I saw several more spots up in the Elkhorn Mountains that would make for great locations. You better believe I'll be up there exploring more as well. If you up for it, let's get planning and explore together. Book with me now! Here.


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