Hyalite Vow Renewal | Montana Wedding Photographer

There is something so wonderful about taking the time to get dressed up again, spending moments writing down words of what your relationship and love has looked like over the years, and then sharing it to each other. That’s what these two did. After 12 years of marriage, they took the time to share with each other how much the other one meant to them.

They kept the renewal simple by exchanging their written vows with their children watching, having a gorgeous mountain scenery for a backdrop, a beautiful bouquet, a small snack charcuterie board and finishing it off with sparkling cider for the boys and champagne for the themselves.

The evening was perfect as we ran around watching the impending rain and snow storm headed our way. Luckily it held off long enough for us all to get back to the cars. It was perfect. It was beautiful. I love that they got this moment together after 12 years.

To say it made my heart happy to watch them doesn’t amount to how they must have felt. Watching people commit to each other again and just share their continued growing love, makes me the happiest.

P.S. These two basically wrote the same vows. I guess that is what 12 years of marriage looks like!


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