I couldn't believe she said that | words from another photographer

You know when you are minding your own business and someone just starts giving you critiques that you didn't EVA ask for? Well ya, that happened to me. I couldn't believe it friends. Like WHAT!?!?! I was taken aback. I was in shock, upset, and discouraged. All the things. ALL THE THINGS.... Maybe that is what I get for doing a session swap with another photographer. OR MAYBE that is what I get for taking it all the WRONG WAY. I'm pretty sure she never meant for it to go that way AT ALL! But our feelings are real and this is how I felt at the time.

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Another Photographer

I realized that I needed to take what was said and roll with the punches. It was another photographer critiquing my work after we had done a photo swap. At least, that is what my mind was telling me she was doing. We had completely different styles and I thought in some ways she expected me to change or adapt to hers.

Now, I read into it too much. BUUTT.. Each critique hit me hard; Her shirt wasn't perfect, although they were twirling around and having fun, I had changed where I put the focus, It felt like everything was just wrong with the pictures. Can I add that we ran out of light so it felt like we basically got nothing for our session! I didn't complain to her though. It was what it was. She had offered to do the session another time, but I just let it go.


Anyways...I started to bounce back and not let it bother me. And moved on. You can't dwell on what others say about you or your work. In fact, I think these moments need to make you stronger. Plus, a lot of the time people say things that they never mean to make you feel that way or get your mind going down that path. Since my mind did go that way, I want this to be an encouragement for you all.

Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't good. Everyone's style is different. You are different. I am different. The comparison game is a trap. Don't go comparing yourself or let others take you down. We got this. I got this. Her words may have stopped me for a moment, but they didn't hold me back. I'm going to do great things. YOU'RE GOING TO DO GREAT THINGS!

God has given me this desire in my heart to capture couples love for each other and I'm sure as heck going to pursue it. It's what I'm called to do. I can't wait to see where God takes me down this path and all that I'm going to accomplish. How silly would it be to let criticism hold me back. OH SO SILLY FRIENDS!! And I don't want to see others holding you back either. Keep doing you. Keep going strong. WE GOT THIS!!

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Sam + Bri | Montana Country Road Couples Session | Helena, MT Couples Photographer