Rooted Table Dinner | Building Community

A Community Dinner

This last weekend my husband and I had the privilege of going to our first Rooted Table Dinner put on by Rooted Event Co. - This is no way sponsored, I just loved the dinner so much I had to share it with my tribe - It can be hard to meet people in your community which is what my husband and I have found since moving to The Dalles, OR. We love our church family and the community we have built with it, yet have still desired to meet more people. We love building community and doing it at this event was the perfect step in the right direction. Rooted Event Co.'s desire behind these events are to do just that. Build community. When we walked into The Riv Cafe where the dinner was being hosted, we recognized a few faces we had seen in the community. This was a space where we could just talk and learn more about each other rather than a quick hi or hello while out and about. We immediately started conversations with them and others that we had never met.

Rooted Table Dinner

We gathered around the appetizer board and continued our conversation and eventually moved to chairs around a long community table where the conversation could continue or where a new conversation could start. It's the perfect space for building community because you sit down at a table next to people that you may never have met. It's a little awkward not to talk to the people across from you or next to you. The conversation always was moving right along and we never noticed how long the food was taking or what was going on in the background even though they were providing wonderful service. We just simply enjoyed eating slow and around a new community.The evening continued on like this and the food was a highlight of the evening as well. From that appetizer board to the salad to the main course and through the dessert, there was never a disappointment. The food was exceptional and to be honest, the best in town that you could pay for. It was like going to a friends house that bought the best ingredients, spent hours prepping the food and the table and put as much care into that as well as the service they provided. Currently it is a husband and wife duo that put the entire event on and they work their hearts out to bring you the best experience you could as for all the way down to providing as many local ingredients to the food as they could get their hands on. To say I had a great time is and under statement. We can't wait to go again and I think you should all go follow them over at their website here and on social media @rootedeventco. Now, run don't walk to sign up to find out where their next dinners will be. You better hop on it quickly too as they can sell out really fast.

Who will you take with you to their next dinner?


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