Sacajawea Hotel | Three Forks, Montana Elopement

Before I dig into the details of my packages, I always ask my clients more about themselves. I love connecting with them (YOU!) and that connection is what makes our time together and my work even better. When Riley & Leah reached out to me about their elopement in Three Forks, I was instantly excited. They responded to my list of questions with a picture of them (LOVED THAT!) and the longest paragraph all about the two of them and their relationship.

Their intimate elopement with their closest people left me leaving with tears of gratitude and laughter. Oh and did I mention it was in the dead of winter in Montana?That didn’t stop us from getting outside and snagging several fun shots around the historic and beautiful Sacajawea Hotel.

But that is enough from me. Here is their relationship in their own words.

Riley and Leah

We met through a dating app and met up for coffee in Bozeman for our first date. I think we were addicted to our nightly phone calls quickly after that since he lived in Helena and I lived in Livingston. After a month and a half of dating, Riley moved to Livingston, because we just didn’t want to be apart any longer. We were crazy for how soon it was, but we knew that we just belonged together.

Fast forward 2 years and we are still just in love as ever and we have now been living in Helena now for a little over a year. We love hiking together. We live near Mt. Helena and hike together so much. We hiked almost all of the fall weekends beating the sunrise up in the mountains and worked together finishing a cabin this summer. From the ups and downs of life over the last 2 years, we have been best friends through it all, and always supportive and build each other up.


A mom & her boys | Reeder’s Alley Family Session in Helena, Montana


SUP Session In the Heart of Montana | Montana Elopement Photographer