Tips for what to do with your pictures after a session | Montana Photographer

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You just got all your pictures back from your session, now what? I think too often people tend to just let them sit in that online gallery only downloading one every now and again. One day you go to the gallery and they are gone! Maybe you did download your pictures and then your computer crashes and you can’t get any of it back! These scenarios aren’t fun. I mean, you paid for a great session and you want those pictures. Yes, you can contact your photographer. Maybe they’ll still have them. They probably will, but it might take some digging around to find that old hard drive. Let me tell ya, I have a lot of things backed up on multiple hard drives. Remembering which one can be a problem. Some photographers also charge for this down the road. Let’s avoid having to do any of this and start the process right in the beginning!

Best tips for what to do with your pictures

  1. Download them ALL. Too often you just pick a couple right away and download them. Maybe you come back every now and then to grab another one. It’s best to download them all at the sametime and save them on a special folder somewhere. Just do it.

  2. When you download them, also BACK THEM UP! You don’t want your computer to crash, to get stolen or something else. I suggest having a backup of your entire computer, but if that doesn’t work at least backup your pictures and other important documents. You’ll thank me later when you have at least one extra copy. We like to have at least two of everything. If you can, keep one of those backups at a different location. You might be thankful you did one day.

  3. Have a fun backup! Print your pictures in a photo book or scrapbook them if that’s your kind of thing. Put them on a memory card or flash drive and buy a digital photo album. Put them on a blog post or somewhere online where you can look at them again. Get creative! And have fun!

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