What to wear to rock your next photography session | Helena Montana Engagement Photographer

Whenever I start thinking about what I should wear for a photo session, I get all anxious and just can’t ever decide. I thought if I felt this way as a photographer than you probably do as well. I don’t want that to be you friends, so here are a few tips on what to wear to rock your next photography session.


What to wear to rock your next photography session

  • Pick something that you’d wear everyday. Whether you are a jeans type of person or you love yourself some dresses or both! Just be you! The more comfortable you are with what you are wearing, the more comfortable you will be in front of the camera.

  • Don’t wear anything with crazy patterns or anything that is super bright and distracting. You don’t want your outfit to take away from your faces and your emotions.

  • Pick neutral or earthy tones. There are so many colors that fit in this spectrum. From browns to blues to pinks. Just don’t go crazy bright. This helps your clothes to blend in a little more with your surroundings and for your face to shine.

  • Grab something that is comfortable to run around in! Because at least with me, you’ll be running and maybe jumping a bit. It is all about feeling like a kid again and having fun.

  • Lastly, bring a couple options to your session. As your photographer, I can help you pick if you can’t decide. It never hurts to get another opinion!


Still need some inspiration? That is ok! I have created a Pinterest board just for you! There are so many options out there, but sometimes we just need a little extra help to figure it out. Take a look here and get inspired.

What’s the biggest thing that gets you when trying to decide what to wear for a session?

Now that you know what to wear to rock your next photography session, are you ready? Then let's do it together. Book me here.


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