Lasting Marriage | That's what your wedding day is all about | Helena, Montana Wedding Photographer

Friends. I believe in LASTING marriage. I believe in putting your selfishness aside and living sacrificially for the one you love. This is why I love my job and why I'm here to capture the start of something greater.

There is so much focus on your wedding day, that some forget to think about the rest of your lives together. Your wedding day isn't the end. It is the beginning of something so beautiful and lifelong. It shouldn't be taken for granted nor should you brush it off so lightly.

Having a lasting marriage isn't always easy friends. But just because you get in a fight it doesn't mean you need to hang up the towel. The world has made it an easy in and easy out. Let's be a generation that works to stay together. Let's be a generation that doesn't let society tell us it is ok to take the easy way out. We need to fight for commitment. Working on your problems and coming together is a beautiful thing. Don't be ashamed of it. Take pride in fixing what is going on or taking the steps before something happens.


Lasting Marriage

Having someone that comes alongside you throughout your life is wonderful. It is one way most of us even get through this life. So...Come into marriage with an open mind. Be willing to work on the hard stuff. NEVER let the thought or even word divorce enter your mind and relationship. If you start out with the mindset that it isn't even an option, then you will continue to work on your marriage. You set the standard that there is no other choice.

TALK! Friends! I don't know how many couples I've talked to that don't talk! Be an open book. Share about everything. You shouldn't be hiding anything from your spouse. This will help create an even stronger marriage. It doesn't allow for doubt to enter your mind because you know everything that is going on. Just talk! TALK TALK TALK!

Friends, I'm super passionate about you all staying together and having a marriage that lasts. SO, let's work on it. Always kiss each other goodnight. Don't go to bed upset. Don't let the word divorce even enter your vocabulary. And TALK!!


I invite you to come make some magic with me! Send me a message here.

All photos are by the lovely Andie Avery.


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