Amanda & Caleb | Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

At the end of July, I had the opportunity to be the second wedding photographer for thirtyfivemedia. It helps that he is my husband. We love wedding photography. Shooting together always makes for a fun day and this wedding was no exception.

Matthew's Winery

It was a beautiful day when we arrived at Matthew's Winery in Woodinville, WA just outside of Seattle. The temperatures kept on rising, but it was a slight reprieve from the even hotter temperatures back home. The venue was alongside some wooded land, there were lights strung along the road leading up to the ceremony sight and of course a beautiful bride and groom to top it off. Matthew's Winery was a gorgeous venue that did not disappoint. With wine barrels throughout, a nice grassy area for lawn games or whatever you'd like it make for a great evening.The other great thing about this wedding was our really good friends were there. That gave this wedding a little cherry on top. We knew Amanda and Caleb from our days back in Bozeman. It was exciting to be apart of their big day. Amanda and Caleb had wood fired pizza for the meal and it was beyond delicious. Who doe not like pizza anyways? A great decision on their part. I love seeing what brides and grooms come up with for decorations, food, colors, dresses and everything else that you can think of for a wedding. Weddings are so much fun to be around and they allow for everyone to get creative. It is one of the best times to let your creative side flow and it is not just for photographers. I hope you enjoy a few photos from the big day. Check out the rest of my wedding work here.


Finding Community | Portraits of Another Photographer


Engagement Photography | Picking a Location