Invest in Your Relationship | Why you should keep on having couples photography sessions throughout your marriage


I wanted to share my heart and desire for couples to invest in themselves throughout their marriage rather than just in the beginning with couples photography. I have been having this theme throughout several of my posts lately, but this time I really wanted to dig in deep to my real thoughts and feelings about this and marriage in general. Yes, I want to book more couples photography sessions, but my main point and hope through this post is that you take the time to invest in your marriage. Even if that doesn't turn into us having a session. I want you to do something today to revive that love that you had when you first met and got married. I will talk about doing sessions throughout your marriage, but you can choose so many different things to invest in yourselves.

Leave the Kids Behind

When most people start their relationship with each other, there are no kids involved. You spend all your time with your loved one. You explore new places together whether that is a new city, country, restaurant, hike or movie. Yes, you can do all this with your kids, but do you remember the ease of doing this just the two of you? How much different that was without kids? How much less stressful or how much cheaper? I do feel that it is really important to continue to do these things with our kids for many reasons, but taking time out to do these things alone with your spouse once a week for a date night, once a month for a little bigger activity or once a year for a trip out of town.How much more connected would you feel to your spouse and remember the reasons you feel in love in the first place? Your love needs to continue to grow with each other. You need to have that one on one time together, but I want to encourage you to not sit in front of the TV. That doesn't count. Be honest with yourself. How much do you really chat and get into good conversation while watching your favorite show? Not much or often.I heard someone the other day talk about the fact that they love their husband more than their kids. When they said this out loud, other people were appalled. Why? They shouldn't be. Your spouse should be loved more than the kids. Your relationship is why you have kids anyway. Learn to turn things around. Put your spouse above your kids. Make your household more about the two of you. Guess what, it will help your kids out too. They need to see their parents love for each other. It is healthy. So leave the kids at home.


The Beginning

In the beginning, you met, went on your first date, had your first kiss, got engaged, had your wedding, went on your honeymoon, shared your first apartment or home, spent time cooking together, went out to dinner and had so many other firsts together as just the two of you. I can't help but think about the time, energy and money that was spent on building the beginning of our relationships. It isn't easy with kids around to spend extra money like in the beginning, but what if we did put money aside to do something new or make a tradition as a couple seperate from our kids.People get wrapped up in their kids and forget about their relationship and the love that they have for each other. They let that love dwindle and don't know what to do with each other when the kids are gone. We forget to care and think about our relationship as a couple. Couples need to do these things. You need to invest in your relationship. I believe that even includes the money we spend on ourselves. You say that you can't afford to do anything? What if you stop spending so much on gifts? Take that money and go do something that would make lasting memories.

Couples Photography Sessions

With everything that I said above, I think doing a couples photography session throughout your marriage is important. You should document your love for each other and it's constant changing just like you do with your family growing. You two grow and change, so why not capture that love? Anniversary or just because sessions are some of my favorite.I believe it is as equally important to capture love in the beginning as it is throughout the stages of your relationship. The middle and end is just as important, if not more important, than the beginning. Take time to wrap yourselves in each other after a year or years of marriage and have the joy that you did when you first got married or fell in love. It can help rekindle the relationship. You’ll have the chance to reflect on your relationship and be able to smile and laugh about the things of the past. You been through a lot of life together which has had its ups and downs. Relationships are hard. You need to have moments with reflection and come together by wrapping yourself in each others arms.

Book a Session


I want to invite you to go ahead and book me for your couples photography session. Start doing something for the two of you. Make you the focus of your house and your family today. Just get out the two of you. Here is a post with over 100 date night ideas! Happy dating your spouse!


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