My Own Love Story | How He Asked | Wedding Photographer


I thought I'd share my story with you all since I want to know yours as well. Enjoy reading how he asked me to marry him. And if you haven't read one of my posts before, I like to write a lot. Have fun!

How He Asked

We were young college students and had been dating for under a year. Yes! Under a year. I mean, when you know, you know. At least for us that was true. Ok, now moving onto how he asked. Being tired that day, I decided that I needed to skip my last class for the day. Skipping class wasn't a normal thing for me, but for some reason a nap was calling me that day and I needed to go home. Brent and I had decided that we were going to hang out that evening, so I called him on my way home. We chatted and I planned to let him know I was coming over after I woke up. I got up and I didn't even brush my hair. You guys, I looked terrible. Really, I did. Here we go, this is how he asked.

Just Come Upstairs

I got to his apartment and there was a note on the front door that said, "Just come upstairs." I opened the door and yelled at him telling him that he was so lazy! Ha! I walked up the stairs and there was another note on his bedroom door. Look on my desk. He was nowhere in sight. At this point, I knew what was happening. Well, at least I thought that I did and I was right. There on his desk was another note with two memory cards sitting on it.

A little background information for you all really quick. When Brent and I started dating, we were in a photography class together that semester. We both loved photography and it was honestly our favorite dates together. Running around taking pictures together and challenging each other gave us a strong connection.

I don't remember the exact words for these notes. There was a small memory card which he talked about it representing the memories that we've had together already. This memory card adapted into a larger memory card. The larger card represented all the future memories that we would have together. He then asked me to put them together.


The Camera - Our Joint Love

The next direction was to go into the drawer. There I found the body of the camera. The body of the camera represented us and our ability to collect and create all these memories. Next, he asked me to pull the drawer out more to the very back where there was a lens. The note attached to the lens shared that the lens represented the focus of our relationship which was Christ (and still is). Without this focus, the body cannot function and the memory cards are obsolete.His last direction was to put it all together, turn it on and hit play. There on the camera screen was a picture of a ring. Brent popped out from around the corner and asked me to marry him. Of course, I said yes! Little did I know, he had been hanging out in another room watching me through the webcam on his computer. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I know we are still together today because we put God first. He is the reason that we work so well together.

A Couple Side Notes


He was going to wait a day to propose. Even though we hadn't talked specifically about it, we knew we wanted to get married on May 17th. It was the day that I got my drivers license, I moved out of my parents house and I left to study abroad in Spain on that day, different years of course. Being that it was a Saturday that year, we couldn't resist that day. Spending the summer together before going back to class, was a must for us.The reason he didn't wait was because he had told my sister who told one other person. Next thing he knew, he was hearing from a few other people and thought the word my get out to me. So, he jumped the gun and quickly came up with this plan. Well, he had been thinking about it for a long time. He was just going to type it up and make some pretty notes instead of handwritten ones. I doesn't matter to me though. It was perfect.One more side note, "Just Come Upstairs" is engraved on the inside of my wedding band. =)

What is your story?

I can't wait to hear a little insight to your relationship! Comment below and let me know! Or connect with me on Instagram! I can't wait! Really, I cannot. I'm just too excited. Do you have a How He Asked story? We took these last year to celebrate our 10th anniversary. However, we will be starting to do couples photos more regularly. We've missed out on so many years. I believe doing this is so important. Take a look at my last post for why I believe this. All photos are by the lovely Andie Avery


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