Montana Engagement Session | Mountain Views

When I got the inquiry for Kerry and Scott's Montana engagement session near Bozeman, I was stoked. I know Kerry through my sister. Because of that, I knew she'd be down for a little bit of an adventure session. She's always going on backpacking trips and long hikes. These are my kind of people. I responded quickly with probably too much earnest, but is there really too much when you love your job? I mean I'm so excited every time I get an inquiry that I just can't wait to respond.

Going off on a tangent there like always. Getting back to it...

I always give my clients suggestions on where to go for a session, but I love when they know the perfect place. If they have a place in mind, it usually means something to them. This created even more meaning behind their Montana engagement session than I could by choosing a random location that might not mean anything to them. On the other hand, a new place to explore can bring just as much excitement and joy. Pick what's right for you as a couple.

Montana Engagement Session

We met up at the local coffee shop which allowed me to regain some energy from being awake for too long with a newborn. Coffee is always a good place to start for a session anyways. Then we carpooled to the location and I chatted their ears off! Riding together is one of the best things. It allows me to connect with my couple and get them to relax a little before the session. I find it is always easier to create magic when you have a connection with your clients. Also, I'll literally chat your ears off, so you can count on that too.

Kerry and Scott first met through a friend back in January of 2014. After running into each other all over town, they finally went to lunch together. That lunch led to hiking and then the rest is history. Their favorite thing to do together is hike! Which is just perfect in my opinion. I'm also beyond excited for where they are getting married. It is a location that is tucked away in the Spanish Peaks. Some of my favorite mountains surrounding the Gallatin Valley.

This night was the perfect combination of sun, it was less chilly than expected and the moon wasn't almost full. Also, the surrounding mountains sure did show off.

Want to run around your favorite trail with me or adventure together to find a new place? Then go ahead and send me that message right here and let's get to it!


Columbia River Gorge Wedding in Stevenson, Washington | Wedding Photographer


Riverside | Montana Engagement Photographer